8 Count by Charles Bukowski

      Charles Bukowski

Biographical Facts


He born in Germany, but lived in New York. He studied in Los Angeles City college but he dropping out the studies, he became an alcoholic homeless and then took up until 35 years old.

Poem 8 Count by Charles Bukowski


The poem 8 Count by Charles Bukowski is formed by 6 stanzas with different numbers of line. The first stanza has 5 lines; second, third, and sixth stanzas have 4 lines; fourth and fifth have 3 lines. On the other hand, I feel the poem of Charles Bukowski express what is happening to one writer that have inspiration blocking and maybe that writer could be himself. Then, the writer has not another option than to see the birds outside and to avoid writing in the typewriter. For example, the fourth stanza reflects it clearly “my typewriter is / tombstone /still” (Bukowski). He continues distracted even after of seeing the birds fly, and he is not happy with that because at the end in the last stanza he curses with word “Fucker”(Bukowski 23). Besides, it is interesting how the title 8 Count is related with three first stanzas, they can make you feel the poem is talking or counting 8 birds in the story. However, after to read carefully, you can discover that 8 count maybe does not reflect the birds’ number or another secret inside the poem. 8 count, why does the word “count” is not in plural? And If what he wants is to reflect “I count 8”. Maybe, this 8 count reflects 8 things the writer wants express you as the last stanza says “just thought I’d/ let you / know.”(Bukowski 20-22) First, “I watch 3 birds on a telephone wire”; Second, “one flies off”; Third, “then, another”; Fourth, “one is left”; Five, “then it too is gone”; Six, “my type writer is tombstone still”; Seven, I am reduced to bird watching; Eight, and the last one “just thought I’d let you know, fucker”(Bukowski 1-23). Even due to the frustrated situation for has not inspiration, he could be cursing himself not some else for not start to write, maybe like a call attention.

Work cited 

Bukowski, Charles. 8 Count. from Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame: Selected Poems 1955- 1973 by Charles Bukowski. Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers. Web Poetry Fundation, https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/49699/8-count. Accessed 18 November 2020.


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