Mama by Charles Bukowski

Charles Bukowski Biographical Facts 1920-1994 He born in Germany, but lived in New York. He studied in Los Angeles City college but he dropping out the studies, and he became an alcoholic homeless. Then, he took up it until 35 years old. Poem Mama by Charles Bukowski Analysis This poem of Charles Bukowski has internal rhyme because words through the stanzas share de same vowel sounds. For example, in lines 2 and 3 Bukowski use the words "Mouth" and "ground" which ones share only the vowels /a/ and /ʊ/ not consonants, so this rhyme is classified like a slant rhyme. Furthermore, there is alliteration since some words repeat the same consonant at the beginning of the word in the same line. For example, in lines “the last of my left / very little left, all harp-like”(Bukowski line 15, 17) the words "last" and "left";"little"and "left" again, share the consonant /l/ at the beginning. Besides, This poem lacks of rhyme sch...